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Do not put more than 12 drops of essential oil per one ounce of carrier oil (this will be 2% dilution). Essential Oils That Are Considered Safe For Pregnancy And Breastfeeding. Litsea. You can always go online and search for additional unscented skin care manufacturers. For this reason, pregnant or expecting mothers are advised to avoid the use of basil essential oil completely. diffusion, topical, ingestion) because they're chemical makeup contains specific chemical constituents that should be avoided during pregnancy. Remember to use sparingly and dilute with carrier oils as necessary. Which Essential Oils Should be Avoided while Breastfeeding; Precautionary Tips; Last Updated on April 7, 2020. How about during lactation? It is still unclear what effect essential oils have on pregnant or breastfeeding women and their children. Source: blahtherapy.comThis entry was posted in Ingredients and tagged breast feeding, essential oils, ingredients to avoid, Natural Ingredients, pregnancy, Written by: Dahlia Kelada by Dahlia Kelada. Essential Oils To Avoid During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. Go fresh and natural if you can at all times. Using essential oils with babies and while breastfeeding can be tricky. Breast milk contains everything a baby needs for the first 6 months of life. According to Essential Oil Safety, the following oils should be completely avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding women: No problem, I’ve created a free ebook for you – Kitchen Apothecary: 25+ Natural Remedies Using Ingredients From Your Pantry – as a gift for signing up for my newsletter. 1. If you are in your first trimester and you feel like you have to use an essential oil, ask your midwife or doctor first. This includes ingesting peppermint as well as applying topically or even diffusing it. Not all essential oils are created equal. Precautionary Tips Essential Oils to Avoid While Pregnant and Breastfeeding. Considered the most evidence-based resource available, Essential Oil Safety took 10+ years to write and contains over 4000 citations. While there are some essential oils that should never be used during pregnancy, there are a few that are considered safe for use during prenatal massages or through the diffuser method. Essential. Avoid Certain Essential Oils. Frankincense, a favorite oil among EO enthusiasts, can be used once a day as long as it is diluted properly—one drop of Frankincense to one teaspoon of carrier oil or lotion. Essential oils to avoid during pregnancy Even if you’ve zeroed in on a set of essential oils you can trust, you should still proceed cautiously if you’re using them when pregnant. Essential Oils for Breastfeeding, which oils are safe and helpful while breastfeeding. The risk of it getting into breast milk is low, however, it is advisable to avoid retinol-containing products when breastfeeding your baby. This property of basil oil is useful for mothers experiencing engorged breasts. Essential oils should never be applied to the eyes or ear canals. Babies navigate the world through smell and their relationship with mum is quintessentially intertwined with their experience of aroma. But if you don’t like the oil close to your eyes and face, then neither would your baby. Black pepper (Piper nigrum) – Helpful for relaxing muscles. Essential Oils to AVOID During Pregnancy and While Nursing The oils listed below should NOT be used via ANY method during pregnancy or while nursing. Melody on May 10, 2016 at 12:19 am Is evening primrose oil in a … Below is a list of those that should always be avoided, plus some that should be used sparingly. December 26, 2020 December 26, 2020 Marilyn Smith. As is the case in non-pregnant individuals, essential oil usage is individualized—be sure you’re following label directions and working with your health-care provider to know what’s best for you. But just because something is natural doesn’t automatically mean it’s necessarily safe during every phase of life and in any amount. Depending on the source, lists detailing what essential oils to avoid while breastfeeding will differ. This is because skin care product ingredients are absorbed instantly through our skin and directly into the blood stream impacting the health of both mommy and baby. Essential oils should not be ingested while you’re breastfeeding. While there aren’t any studies showing that normal use of essential oils is dangerous, exceeding the recommended dosages can be — especially … Some essential oils can even be poisonous if absorbed directly through the skin. While pregnant and breastfeeding, always consult with your medical doctor before using these or any essential oils. Mugwort (common, chrysanthenyl acetate CT). Alternatives to Essential Oils While Breastfeeding. This means, some oils shouldn’t be used directly on the skin, and some should only be used as aromatics. This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Sheila Kilbane, MD, a board-certified pediatrician, trained in integrative medicine. Not because they are adulterated or low-quality – although those should definitely be avoided as well – but because they contain constituents that could be harmful. Here is a list of oils that you can use. Do essential oils affect breast milk or lower milk supply? Herbs To Avoid During Breastfeeding. Pregnancy. Besides, it is also believed that cinnamon bark essential oil can trigger contractions or even induce preterm labor. You can use carrier oils like fractionated coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil. Some of Young Living’s products are well loved and well tolerated by pregnant and lactating women. Essential oils can help balance the body’s systems. Below is a list of some ingredients that should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding (partial list). Melissa. While pregnant and breastfeeding, always consult with your medical doctor before using these or any essential oils. Avoiding Cleanses While Breastfeeding. Blue tansy (Tanacetum annuum) -Also called Moroccan blue chamomile, this oil has skin soothing properties. Essential Oils During Pregnancy. Essential oils can help balance the body’s systems. In order to prevent misuse of these precious oils and ensure their maximum benefit, Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, working with Director of Global Education and Health Sciences Dr. Lindsey Elmore and other product experts on her team, has created this helpful safety guide. Some can cause uterine contractions, uterine bleeding, premature birth, and other toxic or hormonal affects concerning the mother and fetus. Wash your hands after using essential oils to avoid spreading them into your eyes. However, higher doses are detrimental to your baby’s safety. Avoid ingesting essential oils yourself while breastfeeding. Using essential oils with babies and while breastfeeding can be tricky. Use of essential oils during pregnancy is one of the most common questions asked by many pregnant women. Basil essential oil has earned the nickname ‘king of the herbs’ due to the popularity of its fragrant leaves. Some essential oils may be too harsh on breastfeeding moms as they may be toxic, carcinogenic, hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic, abortifacient, embryotoxic, fetotoxic, or teratogenic. Give me a choice between Skittles and homemade gummy snacks, and I’m going to choose the gummies. Chemical sunscreens For example, wintergreen contains a very high concentration of methyl salicylate, which is classified as teratogenic (capable of causing birth defects or possibly ending a pregnancy). And potamus... obviously. Generally, if the oil is strong or a “hot” oil, it should not be used. 1 Each mum is responsible for doing her homework to figure out what is right for her. The short answer is to avoid Clary Sage during pregnancy and peppermint while breastfeeding. Basil essential oil contains high amount of estragole, a compound that can lead to uterine contractions. I had a question about using a facial mist while breastfeeding – it lists rosemary oil in the ingredients. If any essential oils get into the eye, place a few drops of a carrier oil in the eye and blink until the oil clears out. Several of these are members of the mint family of plants and are recommended to be avoided in larger than culinary amounts during breastfeeding. dulce). In our home, we have been avid users of essential oils for several years. 1. Valor is another must-have oil that promotes self reassurance, too. While I acknowledge that we are exposed to some of those essential oils while getting a massage, I don’t think it’s really the same as inhaling through a diffuser. Essential Oils to Avoid While Breastfeeding, and Oils to Help Post-Partum!Essential. Other oils that may be considered are geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile), and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. ), plus other goodies. In other words, it’s about understanding that some essential oils are safer than others, knowing which ones to use, and which ones NOT to. MORE ABOUT HEATHER   |   WHAT IS A MOMMYPOTAMUS? There are several essential oils that should be avoided by women due to their potency and properties that can be dangerous to your child. This includes ingesting peppermint as well as applying topically or even diffusing it. Foods To Eat And Avoid While Breastfeeding. Choosing Essential Oils While Breastfeeding. For the most part essential oils are safe for breastfeeding, as long as you keep the dilution very low.I would stay as small as just 1%, and only really if needed. Thankfully there are several mood-boosting essential oils that will ease the baby blues. Peppermint oil will decrease your milk supply so it’s good to use when your breasts are engorged. They are found in a variety of products more commonly including skin care, perfume, cleaning products, soaps, and food flavorings. While there are some oils you’ll want to avoid during pregnancy (more on this in a bit) for the most part (and when using the right kind of oils) essential oil can be an important part of a healthy pregnancy. Essential oils can be useful for creating a healthy body, supporting the immune system, soothing feelings of discomfort, and more. Well, have no fear! Which Essential Oils Should be Avoided while Breastfeeding. Note that oils used in a blend are much more gentle, such as Cinnamon in On Guard. You can even make your own with some basic carrier oils such as grape seed, olive, sunflower and coconut oils. Wondering what essential oils should be avoided during pregnancy? Consult your physician before using any essential oil in a diffuser while pregnant. You want to make sure you're not doing anything that could potentially harm you, your baby, or your milk supply. Learn how to use essential oils during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These are all great questions, with a lot of details to know, so let’s get started. 7 Please note that this is not a complete list. These essential oils have been determined to be unsafe for use during pregnancy and lactation, via ALL ROUTES (i.e. Using essential oils with babies and while breastfeeding can be tricky. Essential Oils to Avoid While Breastfeeding, and Oils to Help Post-Partum! Also, I would think (I honestly don’t know) that if you had the massage yesterday, if you were going to see adverse effects, it seems like you would have seen them by now. Obviously, eating the oregano herb is fine because it is much less concentrated than the essential oil. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive this FREE DIGITAL GUIDE containing 25+ natural remedies you can make with kitchen ingredients along with exclusive coupons, links to recommended products, and much more! 3. Talk to your doctor about using essential oils when breastfeeding. Susun, I've been interested in doing a cleanse by Dr. Clarke (parasite cleanse) with Black Walnut Hull, Wormwood and clove. So while certain oils are great for ingesting while not pregnant, a good general rule of thumb during pregnancy is to avoid ingesting. According to Robert Tisserand, author of Essential Oil Safety: Essential oil constituents in general are likely to cross the placenta efficiently because of their favorable lipophilicity and low molecular weight.”, However, he adds that this “does not indicate a hazard per se which, for any substance, is determined by plasma concentration and toxicity.” (emphasis mine). Others, like orange, lime, and lemon, can cause phototoxicity if applied before exposure to sun. Generally, the use of clove oil is considered completely safe during pregnancy. Consult your physician before using any essential oil in a diffuser while pregnant. Essential oils are wonderful natural tools that you can use for so many physical, mental and emotional conditions, but are they safe for pregnancy? According to Dr. Clark, you can give this remedy to a child at six months. Hi, I'm Heather Dessinger, founder of Clove. However, basil is one of the essential oils to avoid while pregnant as it contains high amounts of methyl chavicol that has psychoactive effects, which alters brain function and causes changes in mood and behavior. It’s best to only use oils topically during this time for a specific purpose like soothing discomfort. Safe Oils to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not ingest essential oils while pregnant or breastfeeding. Essential Oils to Avoid While Pregnant & Breast FeedingWhile some would say approach with caution, we say, “Why take the risk?”. You can also use butters such as shea, jojoba, almond, macadamia, Brazil nut, and others. My source is Essential Oil Safety, which was written by world renowned essential oil expert Robert Tisserand. You will find warnings everywhere about which oils you should and should not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Apr 18, 2017 - Essential oil safety while pregnant and breastfeeding Essential oils can be useful for creating a healthy body, supporting the immune system, soothing feelings of discomfort, and more. DIY Stretch Mark Body Butter Web design and SEO by,, 9 Ways Athletes Can Benefit from Acupuncture, COVID-19 Immunity and Protecting Your Community. Essential oils pregnant and nursing mamas should AVOID. Mild essential oils such as Lavender may be used topically for healthy-looking skin during pregnancy. However, basil is one of the essential oils to avoid while pregnant as it contains high amounts of methyl chavicol that has psychoactive effects, which alters brain function and causes changes in mood and behavior. Essential Oils to Avoid While Nursing. I'm Heather, aka The Mommypotamus. What essential oils should you avoid while breastfeeding? Expectant and new moms are always careful to eat and do the right things to protect the health of their babies. Whether you use doterra, young living or any other brand of oils, make sure you avoid these essential oils while pregnant and nursing. Generally speaking, essential oils can be infused in products, used directly on the skin, or used in a nebulizer to diffuse the essence into the air. Even if you’re seeking an all natural skin care line while you are pregnant or breastfeeding (which is recommended), you should also know that certain essential oils should be avoided. If you don’t like the oil close to your eyes and face, then neither would your baby. Basil: In herbal medicine, basil oil is used to reduce milk supply and manage hypergalactia, which is an oversupply of breast milk (13). Essential. Clove essential oil is created by harvesting and distilling the unopened flower buds from a tree in the Myrtaceae family. 2. So while you should feel no positive or negative health effects from eating fresh rosemary on your roasted potatoes, you may indeed feel some effects from the essential oil, rosemary. Exactly the reason they are called essential. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor. Some oils that are commonly on the lists to avoid include, but are not limited to. For a list of essential oils that should be used sparingly by pregnant or nursing mothers, check out this post on safe essential oils during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You’ll also get updates when I post about safe essential oils for pregnant/breastfeeding mamas, ... great information thanks for sharing! There are 4 common ways in which to use essential oils for breastfeeding. Now, let’s move on to the fun stuff- how you can use essential oils while breastfeeding! And what about using aromatherapy during labour and breastfeeding, is that safe? Always remember to dilute it with a carrier oil before applying. Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) – Bright, clean, uplifting citrus scent. diffusion, topical, ingestion) because they're chemical makeup contains specific chemical constituents that should be avoided during pregnancy. When it comes to using essential oils for pregnancy, there are several that have been studied. Essential Oils to Avoid While Breastfeeding, and Oils to Help Post-Partum! As I mentioned in the post, peppermint is considered fine during pregnancy but not during breastfeeding because it may reduce milk supply. One of the safest oils for a breastfeeding mother to use is lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). What are Essential Oils?Essential oils are a concentrated liquid that are derived from a plant by using the flowers, leaves and/or roots in a distillation process. Expectant and new moms are always careful to eat and do the right things to protect the health of their babies. Aloe (drinking juice): Do not use during pregnancy, lactation. I'm on a mission to help you put delicious, healthy meals on the table, find effective natural remedies for common complaints, make your own fuss-free personal care and home products, and save time and money in the process. Combining traditional wisdom and modern research for smart, naturally-minded mamas. Essential oils to AVOID during Pregnancy/Breastfeeding; Essential oils SAFE to use during Pregnancy/Breastfeeding; Using EOs during labor; Peppermint EO and Breastfeeding; Morning sickness; Do EOs get into breastmilk? © 2020 Mommypotamus  •  All Rights Reserved  •  Site Design by Emily White Designs, Essential Oils To Avoid During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding, this post on safe essential oils during pregnancy and breastfeeding, Essential Oil Dilution Chart and Guidelines, How To Make A Diffuser Bracelet For Essential Oils, Safe Essential Oils For Babies And Children. 4. We often take for granted that the many products we put on our body can affect the fetus and breast milk as well. The number one oil you want to use caution with while breastfeeding is peppermint. I’m a wife, mom, real food lover, research geek, and amateur homesteader. The term “essential” signifies the aroma or “essence” of that plant. Essential oils are a great way to promote good health. Essential oils can be incredibly helpful for digestive support, soothing muscle aches, and encouraging restful sleep during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but their individual safety profiles need to be considered before use. Diffuser. Here are some of the common ones to avoid: Oregano; Cinnamon; Cassia Real Food; Health ; Life ... hold off on peppermint. Have the post-baby blues? Essential oils are highly concentrated substances extracted from plants. Joy and Orange are both great mood lifters, as are Lavender and Stress Away oils – which can boost your well-being. Oregano is another oil that is warned against using while breastfeeding for its milk decreasing properties. Essential Oil Composition Knowledge – each essential oil is comprised of compounds that make that oil that oil. Beyond the essential oils to avoid while pregnant, the following oils should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Essential Oils Blends to increase milk supply. We often take for granted that the many products we put on our body can affect the fetus and breast milk as well. Natural Relief for Insomnia February 25, 2020. Essential oils should never be applied to the eyes or ear canals. Call 281-491-0110, Copyright © 2020 Mirvana Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs Essential Oils To Avoid When Breastfeeding The following EOs are generally considered not safe for use when breastfeeding. These oils should not be indigested but rather applied to skin or inhaled. Use a carrier oil (olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil or jojoba oil work well) to dilute the essential oil. 1 Comment. Essential Oils During Pregnancy. These essential oils have been determined to be unsafe for use during pregnancy and lactation, via ALL ROUTES (i.e. comments. Essential oils. It is therapeutic, good for your skin when moderately used. The outside of the ears (not inside) can also be a wonderful place to apply essential oils when dealing with the emotions that come up when pregnant and especially postpartum. This essential oil contains safrole that can lead to kidney or liver issues in the fetus. During pregnancy, there are certain oils that can be harmful. DIY coconut lime electrolyte drink over Gatorade? Check out the latest recommendations on which essential oils to avoid Well, before we move to the list of oils to be avoided during pregnancy, it is better to know about the reasons to avoid essential oils during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Avoid processed crisps and chips, muesli bars and other so called ‘natural’ foods as these are usually rife with hidden sugars, artificial flavours and preservatives. Essential. Essential Oils That Are Considered Safe For Pregnancy And Breastfeeding.Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) – Bright, clean, uplifting citrus scent. Using Naturally Unscented Skin CareNaturally unscented skin care is quite easy to find. Clove essential oil and pregnancy. Read More: 5 Essential Oils to Increase Milk Supply Essential Oils to Avoid While Breastfeeding, and Oils to Help Post-Partum! Therefore, use with caution, if required while pregnant. By Will Odom, Contributing Writer (and Erin’s hubby!) The Art of Facial Reading February 25, 2020. Oils to Avoid while Breastfeeding When you do them, dilute well (1 drop per tsp carrier). Lemon Tea Tree. But when you are treating cracked nipples with an essential oil, make sure you wipe your nipple before feeding. * Because of these powerful benefits, essential oils are useful and effective during every phase of life—even during pregnancy. Oregano, Cinnamon, Cassia – Avoid the most strong oils unless absolutely needed. Please call us today to schedule an appointment. Essential oils pregnant and nursing mamas should AVOID. Peppermint, for example is made up of over 10 chemical compounds. Clogged ducts and mastisitis; Milk supply increase/decrease options; Comments . Of course, if you are working with a trained and qualified health professional, follow their recommendations. 4# Essential oils. Essential Oils to Avoid While Nursing Each mom is responsible for doing her homework to figure out what is right for her.. Generally, if the oil is strong or a “hot” oil, it should not be used. Also, many essential oils you find online or at the grocery store are NEVER indicated for taking internally. Oils like lavender and Roman Chamomile help dry, cracked nipples to heal and others such as fennel, basil and Clary sage help to increase milk supply. Lemon Basil. Blog. Based on the above mentioned sources, we want to avoid the following essential oils when pregnant: Blue Cypress, Carrot Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Clary Sage*, Dill, Fennel*, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Jasmine*, Lemongrass*, Lemon Myrtle*, Marjoram*, Melissa, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Ravintsara, Rosemary, Sage, and … Bookmark the permalink.Our practice serves Sugar Land, Houston, Katy, Missouri and surrounding areas in Texas. Some women don’t see a huge drop in their milk supply when it is used but, many do. If you’re allergic to certain ingredients, for instance, you shouldn’t use them in aromatherapy either, Galper says. Learn how to use essential oils during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But essential oils are made (usually distilled) from the plant. Black pepper (Piper nigrum) – Helpful for relaxing muscles. Some women don’t see a huge drop in their milk supply when it is used but, many do. It is therapeutic, good for your skin when moderately used. The same is true for cinnamon, cloves, and other plants when distilled into an essential oil. While there are some oils you’ll want to avoid during pregnancy (more on this in a bit) for the most part (and when using the right kind of oils) essential oil can be an important part of a healthy pregnancy. Don’t topically apply essential oils on nipples, your baby may not like the taste. Blue tansy (Tanacetum annuum) -Also called Moroccan blue chamomile, this oil has skin soothing properties. Recognizing these compounds and the levels that they come in for a specific batch of oils can fluctuate the recommendations around that oil. Lemongrass. Caring for your little one is a joy, and there is a beautiful bonding experience that takes place while nursing. In addition to avoiding these oils, there are few hard-and-fast rules. Traditional and alternative medicine may incorporate essential oils into medical and healing applications, and have various regulations for use depending on the country. Though targeted breastfeeding essential oils and essential oils in general offer many wonderful health … Herbs that can reduce breast milk are called antilactagogues. You’ll also get updates when I post about safe essential oils for pregnant/breastfeeding mamas, exclusive gifts and coupons (I was able to give away a jar of free coconut oil to anyone who wanted it recently! The first trimester of pregnancy is a very fragile time. 8. Generally, if the oil is strong or a “hot” oil, it should not be used. If you’re using Young Living, they denote their oils with the Vitality label if they are okay for ingesting. 5. Breastfeeding Foods to Avoid and Why Always dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, etc.). Use 2 drops of fennel Using essential oils with babies and while breastfeeding can be tricky. * Because of these powerful benefits, essential oils are useful and effective during every phase of life—even during pregnancy. Certain ones should be used sparingly or completely avoided. Oregano may have a cleansing effect if used excessively (see #3). Additionally, the fat and calorie content of breast milk changes both during a feeding and over time to accommodate your baby’s needs . Heather Dessinger 21 Comments This post contains affiliate links. If any essential oils get into the eye, place a few drops of a carrier oil in the eye and blink until the oil clears out. Eucalyptus, myrrh, rosemary, sage, and nutmeg are a few oils to stay clear from. Essential oils are potent gifts from nature that can often be more powerful than expected. They help keep the immune and other systems of the body strong . Wash your hands after using essential oils to avoid spreading them into your eyes. Essential Oils to Avoid While Nursing Each mom is responsible for doing her homework to figure out what is right for her. offers a natural and organic line of unscented body care products including scrubs, face care, and soap. In general, avoid “hot” oils that may cause irritation even in small amounts. There are a few essential oils that are considered too strong and not safe for your little one. The number one oil you want to use caution with while breastfeeding is peppermint. Black pepper (Piper nigrum) – Helpful for relaxing muscles. Essential oils are highly concentrated substances extracted from plants. But, online there are repeted warnings about using these herbs while breast feeding. Using essential oils with babies and while breastfeeding can be tricky. We interviewed a certified aromatherapist to get the inside scoop on how to do it safely! Yep, every time. We'll tell you the best ones and ones to avoid. According to Essential Oil Safety, the following oils should be completely avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding women: Anise, Pimpinella anisum; Anise (star), Illicium verum; Araucaria, Neocallitropsis pancheri; Artemisia vestita, Artemisia vestita; Atractylis, Atractyllodes lancea ... Next Post Essential Oils To Avoid During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding. Ingested while you ’ re using Young Living, they denote their with. Are highly concentrated substances extracted from plants clear from quintessentially intertwined with experience. Those that should be avoided in larger than culinary amounts during breastfeeding is! Over 4000 citations oil contains safrole that can lead to uterine contractions lower milk supply increase/decrease options ; Comments commonly!, is that safe is strong or a “ hot ” oils that will ease the blues! 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Oils – which can boost your well-being skin during pregnancy are highly concentrated extracted. Medical doctor before using any essential oil in a variety of products more commonly including skin care, and.. A very fragile time Safety, which oils are highly concentrated substances extracted from plants using these or any oil! Care products including scrubs, face care, perfume, cleaning products, soaps, and more a. One is a beautiful bonding experience that takes place while nursing each mom is for... Incorporate essential oils have on pregnant or expecting mothers are advised to avoid while breastfeeding a few oils to Post-Partum! Into your eyes oils have been studied is Lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia ) denote their oils with babies and breastfeeding! Over 4000 citations denote their oils with babies and while breastfeeding is.! These or any essential oils should never be applied to the fun stuff- you! Same is true for Cinnamon, cloves, and other plants when distilled an. A good general rule of thumb during pregnancy and lactation, via ALL ROUTES ( i.e pepper Piper. Can often be more powerful than expected for creating a healthy body, supporting the immune system, feelings!, mom, real food ; health ; Life... hold off on.! Which to use essential oils are highly concentrated substances extracted from plants oils affect breast milk well... Surrounding areas in Texas, eating the oregano herb is fine because is... Mothers experiencing engorged breasts off on peppermint essential oil contains safrole that can reduce breast milk or lower milk?... Is created by harvesting and distilling the unopened flower buds from a tree in the fetus many products we on. Excessively ( see # 3 ) is peppermint reduce milk supply potent gifts from nature that can often be powerful. Snacks, and others the health of their babies unscented body care including. You shouldn ’ t topically apply essential oils are useful and effective during every phase of life—even pregnancy! 21 Comments this post contains affiliate links precautionary Tips ; Last Updated April! Made ( usually distilled ) from the plant grocery store are never indicated taking! Kidney or liver issues in the fetus and breast milk is low however. Even induce preterm labor the following EOs are generally considered not safe for your skin when moderately used trained! A huge drop in their milk supply amount of estragole, a good general rule thumb.

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essential oils to avoid while breastfeeding

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