I did come across one ‘issue’ that maybe worth mentioning as I couldn’t find anything mentioning it. Sorry to post this here rather than your support forum, but I noticed the top-right and bottom-left stripes in the AU flag are off…. This problem is happening in ie10 but I think it happens in ie9 as well. That’s a pretty comprehensive article on SVG, I loved it. Alternatively, download image in a zip file. grunticon takes a folder of SVG/PNG files (typically, icons that you’ve drawn in an application like Adobe Illustrator), and outputs them to CSS in 3 formats: svg data urls, png data urls, and a third fallback CSS file with references to regular png images, which are also automatically generated and placed in a folder. Ssrc SVG is a plugin for rendering SVG and XUL in Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) versions 6, 7, and 8 on Windows 7, Vista, Server 2008, XP, and Server 2003. I would love a global solution for that as now we just degrade the whole site and suggest they might want to think about a newer browser. I can do this with script or adding the SVG code directly onto the template, but ideally wanted to use CSS. BTW, the classList API works nicely for your example… supported in anything except IE<=9 it seems. An alt attribute allows a user to view the image description, even when it fails to render on a device, in addition to providing context for search engines. The url () function can be passed as a parameter of another CSS functions, like the attr () function. thank you for the info, seems like there were some problems while cleaning the SVG. You can also use php to generate data-urls on the fly. This way if you have a thin icon, you’re using the invisible square to define the ‘hotspot’. I’m using for testing a HTC one X with the latest android distribution. Data URL’s might not save you actual file size, but can be more efficient because the data is right there. Download Hack Club HQ’s logos and preview our brand fonts & colors. This doesn’t have to be CSS embedded in the SVG itself, it can be anywhere, even in our global stylesheet ed up. Specifying font resources using url() and local(). There exist various way of doing this. It was my first attempt as I want all my vectors to be .svg so they scale and look awesome! The SVG’s have viewports, widths and heights, they just don’t seem to be responding to css rules. I will be pulling it apart today to understand why! Therefore each icon is stored in the same SVG file but within its own layer: I have a single SVG logo which uses DEFS and USE for various colours. That situation appear for example in IE8. Good to get more info on fallbacks for SVG. The same with uri encoding, the output is smaller than base64 but for Firefox you need to change this character: “#” and of course in Internet Explorer it does not work either. Changing the code will not affect the image, to do so use other tools such as rapidtables.com or polycursor.com or codepen.io (use html for svg). In the case of SVG fonts, the URL points to an element within a document containing SVG font definitions. Once I’m inside the box, and not technically on the thin svg, I lose the hover. As only one image is loaded there is no fallback. I work on Inkscape for all my professional graphics, on a mac. Some of the included examples in their documentation are hard to follow, but most everything you need is there. Right click the image and select "Save Link As…" (or similar, depending on your browser) to save the image. SVG viewport and viewBox. Defining a specific pattern and sticking to it will help. I always define height and width with CSS and omit them from the .svg itself; I noticed that you’ve only defined width on your site. They look awesome on a Retina display! :( */ The other benefit.. if it just so happens that a user actually has your custom font installed, this’ll save them the download. background: url(thepngone.png); It’s well documented on the site but is sparse on tutorials on the web.
I would send you a bag of peanut m&ms in a heartbeat my friend! I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to do this. Although the SVG being sensational, I regret the fact that he was too slow to use it in games with JavaScript. If you have important information to share, please, The best list I could find on SVG-specific CSS properties, I generally don’t think that’s a good idea, a variety of different SVG related things, Better SVG Sprites With Fragment Identifiers, Dealing with SVG images in mobile browsers, an incredible course on all things CSS and SVG animation, http://benfrain.com/tips-for-using-svgs-in-web-projects/, http://soqr.fr/testsvg/embed-svg-liquid-layout-responsive-web-design.php, http://dbushell.com/demos/svg/scaling-09-03-12/, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=600207, animating-properties-of-injected-svg-elements, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15220910/svg-as-css-background-problems-with-zoom-level-in-opera, Example of a drawing app — Raphael SketchPad, http://hofmannsven.com/2013/laboratory/svg-stacking/, http://www.voormedia.nl/blog/2012/10/displaying-and-detecting-support-for-svg-images, https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/cache/, http://jsfiddle.net/mikedidthis/rXJXq/1/

I, http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/styling.html#SVGStylingProperties, https://gist.github.com/mrinterweb/11303706, Scales to any size without losing clarity (except very tiny), Design control like interactivity and filters. Why not use simple cascading rules to achieve this fallback? This is amazing resource. Thanks :), “All browsers that support SVG background images also supports multiple background images.”. @Christos Inskape saves as “Inkscape SVG” or as “Plain SVG” – the latter is the format you want for the web. Check out the demos on their site. Add this towards the top of your HTACCESS: Thank you! It is required for the @font-face rule to be valid. And the CSS can be improved (it is just experimental). I can’t seem to replicate the problems that seowarp.com experienced by omitting the height and width attributes. Base64 is larger than raw formats, including plain text. The original SVG should look like this, i.e. Using an svg element Chuck a filter in your : Then you can apply that in your CSS as needed: Inline SVG has it’s own set of browser support, but again, it’s essentially only an issue in IE 8 and down and Android 2.3 and down1. I tried other images from internet and works fine. For instance, the cached HTML of this very page is being invalidated right now because I’m adding this comment. We’ll cover more fallback techniques as this article progresses. I am testing the site in Chrome (latest version). But when you open the app created from the same html5 with phonegap and run into the same device the dropshadow filter is not rendered. I’m certainly not an expert… …curious what the actual right way to do this is. If the element reference is omitted, a reference to the first defined font is implied. I’ve experienced scaling problems with using width and height attributes in svg, and never seem to have problems just eliminating them. Chris, please mention this important SVG issue with Firefox: In Firefox, SVG used as a css background-img is bitmapped at its original designed dimensions, before it is scaled up or down. Base64 encoding isn’t the only available choice. Great (inspiring) article. Likely not a huge shocker, but the SVG that Adobe Illustrator gives you isn’t particularly optimized. Wow, great article Chris. I’ve made a fiddle in: http://jsfiddle.net/uK2La/ Thank you, I really have been struggling with how to incorporate svg into my projects lately. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=jock.svg SVG Examples SVG Basic Shapes. Right but you probably don’t cache the HTML very hard, if at all. This is the first time I have heard about this. Such a shame you have to embed the SVG XML in a page to style it, it would have been so powerful to have multiple instances in a page and style them differently based on their context. It literally means Scalable Vector Graphics. Does anyone have experience w/ it? even in templates. I am then including the logo using the method. Go David Bushell’s home page, and you’ll see that his .svg logo gets blurry and less blurry as you zoom in and out with FF. I tried doing a display:block on a parent div and putting the over on that. @Jan nice work. Supports multiple bg images but not SVG. Thanks for the overview Chris! For instance, it’s not background-color, it’s fill. It doesn’t require an additional network request. The basis of SVG VML formed markup languages and PGML. Upload the old, download the new. When a font is needed the user agent iterates over the set of references listed using the first one it can successfully activate. }, .no-svg .logo { http://www.voormedia.nl/blog/2012/10/displaying-and-detecting-support-for-svg-images. Thank you for the post Chris, I needed an SVG low-down. In our design, we have two elements that make up the design, an and an . I’ll have to try some of this stuff myself! However, my mind was officially blown from start to finish. Essentially: it works everywhere except IE 8 and down and Android 2.3 and down. I mistakenly assumed that my host had this by default. Thank you Mr. Coyier for filling my brain with some more goodness. Will have other issues (like cache I guess) but seems to work. Print your label at home. All browsers that support SVG background images also support background-size unprefixed. Some suggest to simple use a gigantic SVG so you never upscale, only downscale. Hi, great article indeed, I’m just having only one problem: I have my SVG base64 encoded using Mobilefish.com service, but sometimes I have an error on Chrome that says: ERROR 414 – URI too long. Good tip on the blur in Firefox. Collect. @chriscoyier @hkfoster maybe you could take a shortcut with >>> echo -n `cat logo.svg` | base64 | pbcopy, — Benny Schudel (@bennyschudel) March 2, 2013. (I use inkscape on linux), Very nice post, I have also created a post not long ago about SVGs and animation of them. Recently I used SVG for a logo (as an tag), and with essentially no users of that site on Android 2.3 I only had to worry about oldIE, which meant I was able to use conditional comments and avoid JavaScript altogether. Raphaël currently supports Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Chrome 5.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+. SVG and multiple backgrounds have very similar browser support, so if the browser supports multiple backgrounds, it supports SVG, and the declaration will work (and override any previous declaration). Cannot seem to override this. $(‘img[src$=”.svg”]’).each(function() { You can use SVG on the web pretty easily, but there is plenty you should know. It’s quite cute on FF; There’s so much to do with svg inline and css. I personally haven’t tested this. What if it’s for a large complex site where caching is crucial for performance? Like in http://codepen.io/anon/pen/oFhzA I meant it! I have been searching for the right solution. Much appreciated. I have googled this for a solution until my fingers are bleeding but cannot find one anywhere – is there one? The idea is that the SVG will either override or be ignored depending on support. They are large in memory when compared to SVG images, and also pixelate when we zoom in. CSS-Tricks is created by Chris and a team of swell people. Especially the combination of SVG and CSS opens so many opportunities. I am 100% that in almost every browser (actually on every I tested, and I tested on lot) will load ONLY one image. Even cooler, SVG has all these fancy filters. where = | +, Last modified: Dec 18, 2020, by MDN contributors. Wow I did not realize you could get the straight SVG from illustrator.   background-image: url(kiwi.svg); For what it’s worth, here’s a a demo of a draggable and zoomable SVG: http://www.cyberz.org/projects/SVGPan/tiger.svg, Wa, Nice post, I’v got something from here, with both and background-image […] you don’t get to control the innards of the SVG with CSS, It’s not true. What we saw earlier with the inline CSS representation is a little special. The SVG files are small and are not based on pixels like every other image files. I dont think is what you needed but it might be useful for someone. Is going straight to the TOP resources folder in the bookmarks. Does anyone has an idea why phonegap seems to strip filters from the svg? As a result, I don’t think SVG as a CSS background is a good option at the moment. I used the object route for the .svg – it worked great in some ways… the fall back .png worked.. my .svg tho viewed online as a box in the correct size but it had the .txt file code in it?? Since I made this browser support got better, I’m not sure it is still needed (I have to make some new tests…), The zebra svg color changes with breakpoints, You can also use javascript inside svg and filters are quite well supported in browsers ; ) (sometimes in a better way than illustrator or inkscape), Inkscape is a free and open source software dedicated to svg, very useful …, forgot the link to my demo :( , sorry : and to add a link you can follow this easy example found on fiddle (no js), Sorry, in the closing object there is a mistake… it’s object and no objetct. In fact in the case of SVG, it’s probably better NOT to use base64. I have a gradient background, currently set in “html” along with “min-height:100%”. Nothing to do with your language of choice. Since invalid selectors and properties are ignored, the svg file will only be downloaded in more modern browsers. This was my first idea when I read article. I’ve now been using svgs on my and clients’ sites for several years. Chrome with stuff. SVG is already pretty small, but why not do all we can? If you’d like to use SVG, but also need to support these browsers that don’t support using SVG in this way, you have options. Reading this has brought back bad memories of php… Such an annoying language, the verbose requirements of semi-colons…. I’m using the Raphael library to handle SVG graphics on one of our sites. I am now thinking about the last technique Chris talks about, using base64 in the IMG tag, along with an ‘alt’ tag. This package is for loading SVG's into Nuxt.js pages. http://dbushell.com/demos/svg/scaling-09-03-12/, (bugzilla is under maintenance, but this might be the bug, I can’t check now) svg-grabber is an open source tool created by Jaques Bouman and Juan Rios at NGTI in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 1 2: src: url (GraublauWeb.eot); src: url (GraublauWeb.otf); /* Yeah IE will only try this one. Doesn’t fontface have better support in older versions of IE than SVG? My question in this instance was semantics vs performance. I am going to use this format for a website logo. If .svg will not load (becasue is not supported for example) then nothing will load. I’ve used .svg images very extensively on several sites (Responsively resizing with rem) and they all have the proper aspect ratio in cross-browser testing. Hello! viewBox=”0 0 640 480″ enable-background=”new 0 0 640 480″ xml:space=”preserve”. Thanks for the article! I am however wondering if any one can assist me with an issue I am tackling. After some further unintentional science, I seem to experience occasional problems using .svg as a background image with height and width, which are fixed by deleting height and width within the .svg and only using css to scale the image. Book collection for up to 5 items right from your door with Royal Mail’s new parcel collection service. Inline definitely helps, but there are some real advantages to backround images and it’s interesting that Firefox still has this bug. Example of a drawing app — Raphael SketchPad Downloading free or stock vector art from the web, I often couldn’t get it to display. SVG supports animation, interactivity and effects. http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/styling.html#SVGStylingProperties. Just one quick note: If you have a SVG file, you don’t have to explicetly save it as “code”, an SVG file is per already “written in code”. . Actually have started using SVG just few days back so I am new at it. The 2nd version and the logo both have width and height removed, only veiwBox and “preserveAspectRatio=”xMinYMin meet”. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer does not support raw SVG code in background attribute, so this is the only one reason why to encode SVG code, I think (maybe I am wrong). I have cleaned it manually and it seems, it is OK now: http://www.phoca.cz/cssflags/#australia (make F5 – refresh the site as the wrong SVG can be cached). This is supported by Firefox, Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari. I’m considering just using a FF conditional to serve .png…. seems IE10 uses the exact same image and somehow fouls up, workaround seems an extra parameter for one image. It looks great in Illustrator but looks terrible in a browser: the transparent gradient doesn’t work at all. But your codepen example renders them, but they’re cropped. If you use it on your logo, which is on every page, wouldn’t that make the entire site in-cacheable? Great image choice – a Kiwi isn’t just a fruit! if (!Modernizr.svg) { 1 A Rectangle Image with SVG If a container format lacks a defined fragment identifier scheme, a simple 1-based indexing scheme (e.g., "font-collection#1" for the first font, "font-collection#2" for the second font, etc.) Answer is NO. Also, if using Inkscape there’s some pointers here for how to optimise: http://benfrain.com/tips-for-using-svgs-in-web-projects/, Another cool feature with svg : you can use media-queries inside the

Can’t be bothered firing up VMware to test IE but I’d assume it’s the same. http://soqr.fr/testsvg/embed-svg-liquid-layout-responsive-web-design.php. It's easy to do with good old anchor tags ().The only major difference really is the need to use xlink:href instead of simply href.Also, you'll want to make sure that the xlink namespace is declared on your SVG element. Codepen doesn’t seem to like the inline-image property, but you get the point. Plus, I had to disable a ‘pasteboard’ setting to allow it to copy vectors files as-is from other mac apps. Hi there! If we replace the background-image with a supported format, only one HTTP request will be made instead of two. You can save the file directly from Adobe Illustrator as an SVG file. So, for IE9 there seems to be good reason to include a height and width, check out this blog post. I’m using Adobe CC, so it should be the most up-to-date. Nice one Chris, already started using it for a client. }, #content {background-image: url(images/logo4.gif);}, html.svg #content {background-image: url(images/logo4.svg);}, thanks to this site for the info on svg use. Workaround is the above mentioned other options, like inline SVG. Very good writeup, maybe better than MDN as far as practicality goes. document.documentElement.className = "svg"; $this.attr(‘src’, $this.attr(‘src’).replace(/svg$/, ‘png’)); Firstly Chris, a massive thank you for the write up. The related posts above were algorithmically generated and displayed here without any load on our servers at all, thanks to Jetpack. Canvas matters in SVG just like it would in PNG or JPG. }); One other useful bit of knowledge. I gained a huge amount of knowledge.

I did come across one ‘issue’ that maybe worth mentioning as I couldn’t find anything mentioning it. Sorry to post this here rather than your support forum, but I noticed the top-right and bottom-left stripes in the AU flag are off…. This problem is happening in ie10 but I think it happens in ie9 as well. That’s a pretty comprehensive article on SVG, I loved it. Alternatively, download image in a zip file. grunticon takes a folder of SVG/PNG files (typically, icons that you’ve drawn in an application like Adobe Illustrator), and outputs them to CSS in 3 formats: svg data urls, png data urls, and a third fallback CSS file with references to regular png images, which are also automatically generated and placed in a folder. Ssrc SVG is a plugin for rendering SVG and XUL in Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) versions 6, 7, and 8 on Windows 7, Vista, Server 2008, XP, and Server 2003. I would love a global solution for that as now we just degrade the whole site and suggest they might want to think about a newer browser. I can do this with script or adding the SVG code directly onto the template, but ideally wanted to use CSS. BTW, the classList API works nicely for your example… supported in anything except IE<=9 it seems. An alt attribute allows a user to view the image description, even when it fails to render on a device, in addition to providing context for search engines. The url () function can be passed as a parameter of another CSS functions, like the attr () function. thank you for the info, seems like there were some problems while cleaning the SVG. You can also use php to generate data-urls on the fly. This way if you have a thin icon, you’re using the invisible square to define the ‘hotspot’. I’m using for testing a HTC one X with the latest android distribution. Data URL’s might not save you actual file size, but can be more efficient because the data is right there. Download Hack Club HQ’s logos and preview our brand fonts & colors. This doesn’t have to be CSS embedded in the SVG itself, it can be anywhere, even in our global stylesheet ed up. Specifying font resources using url() and local(). There exist various way of doing this. It was my first attempt as I want all my vectors to be .svg so they scale and look awesome! The SVG’s have viewports, widths and heights, they just don’t seem to be responding to css rules. I will be pulling it apart today to understand why! Therefore each icon is stored in the same SVG file but within its own layer: I have a single SVG logo which uses DEFS and USE for various colours. That situation appear for example in IE8. Good to get more info on fallbacks for SVG. The same with uri encoding, the output is smaller than base64 but for Firefox you need to change this character: “#” and of course in Internet Explorer it does not work either. Changing the code will not affect the image, to do so use other tools such as rapidtables.com or polycursor.com or codepen.io (use html for svg). In the case of SVG fonts, the URL points to an element within a document containing SVG font definitions. Once I’m inside the box, and not technically on the thin svg, I lose the hover. As only one image is loaded there is no fallback. I work on Inkscape for all my professional graphics, on a mac. Some of the included examples in their documentation are hard to follow, but most everything you need is there. Right click the image and select "Save Link As…" (or similar, depending on your browser) to save the image. SVG viewport and viewBox. Defining a specific pattern and sticking to it will help. I always define height and width with CSS and omit them from the .svg itself; I noticed that you’ve only defined width on your site. They look awesome on a Retina display! :( */ The other benefit.. if it just so happens that a user actually has your custom font installed, this’ll save them the download. background: url(thepngone.png); It’s well documented on the site but is sparse on tutorials on the web.
I would send you a bag of peanut m&ms in a heartbeat my friend! I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to do this. Although the SVG being sensational, I regret the fact that he was too slow to use it in games with JavaScript. If you have important information to share, please, The best list I could find on SVG-specific CSS properties, I generally don’t think that’s a good idea, a variety of different SVG related things, Better SVG Sprites With Fragment Identifiers, Dealing with SVG images in mobile browsers, an incredible course on all things CSS and SVG animation, http://benfrain.com/tips-for-using-svgs-in-web-projects/, http://soqr.fr/testsvg/embed-svg-liquid-layout-responsive-web-design.php, http://dbushell.com/demos/svg/scaling-09-03-12/, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=600207, animating-properties-of-injected-svg-elements, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15220910/svg-as-css-background-problems-with-zoom-level-in-opera, Example of a drawing app — Raphael SketchPad, http://hofmannsven.com/2013/laboratory/svg-stacking/, http://www.voormedia.nl/blog/2012/10/displaying-and-detecting-support-for-svg-images, https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/cache/, http://jsfiddle.net/mikedidthis/rXJXq/1/

I, http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/styling.html#SVGStylingProperties, https://gist.github.com/mrinterweb/11303706, Scales to any size without losing clarity (except very tiny), Design control like interactivity and filters. Why not use simple cascading rules to achieve this fallback? This is amazing resource. Thanks :), “All browsers that support SVG background images also supports multiple background images.”. @Christos Inskape saves as “Inkscape SVG” or as “Plain SVG” – the latter is the format you want for the web. Check out the demos on their site. Add this towards the top of your HTACCESS: Thank you! It is required for the @font-face rule to be valid. And the CSS can be improved (it is just experimental). I can’t seem to replicate the problems that seowarp.com experienced by omitting the height and width attributes. Base64 is larger than raw formats, including plain text. The original SVG should look like this, i.e. Using an svg element Chuck a filter in your : Then you can apply that in your CSS as needed: Inline SVG has it’s own set of browser support, but again, it’s essentially only an issue in IE 8 and down and Android 2.3 and down1. I tried other images from internet and works fine. For instance, the cached HTML of this very page is being invalidated right now because I’m adding this comment. We’ll cover more fallback techniques as this article progresses. I am testing the site in Chrome (latest version). But when you open the app created from the same html5 with phonegap and run into the same device the dropshadow filter is not rendered. I’m certainly not an expert… …curious what the actual right way to do this is. If the element reference is omitted, a reference to the first defined font is implied. I’ve experienced scaling problems with using width and height attributes in svg, and never seem to have problems just eliminating them. Chris, please mention this important SVG issue with Firefox: In Firefox, SVG used as a css background-img is bitmapped at its original designed dimensions, before it is scaled up or down. Base64 encoding isn’t the only available choice. Great (inspiring) article. Likely not a huge shocker, but the SVG that Adobe Illustrator gives you isn’t particularly optimized. Wow, great article Chris. I’ve made a fiddle in: http://jsfiddle.net/uK2La/ Thank you, I really have been struggling with how to incorporate svg into my projects lately. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=jock.svg SVG Examples SVG Basic Shapes. Right but you probably don’t cache the HTML very hard, if at all. This is the first time I have heard about this. Such a shame you have to embed the SVG XML in a page to style it, it would have been so powerful to have multiple instances in a page and style them differently based on their context. It literally means Scalable Vector Graphics. Does anyone have experience w/ it? even in templates. I am then including the logo using the method. Go David Bushell’s home page, and you’ll see that his .svg logo gets blurry and less blurry as you zoom in and out with FF. I tried doing a display:block on a parent div and putting the over on that. @Jan nice work. Supports multiple bg images but not SVG. Thanks for the overview Chris! For instance, it’s not background-color, it’s fill. It doesn’t require an additional network request. The basis of SVG VML formed markup languages and PGML. Upload the old, download the new. When a font is needed the user agent iterates over the set of references listed using the first one it can successfully activate. }, .no-svg .logo { http://www.voormedia.nl/blog/2012/10/displaying-and-detecting-support-for-svg-images. Thank you for the post Chris, I needed an SVG low-down. In our design, we have two elements that make up the design, an and an . I’ll have to try some of this stuff myself! However, my mind was officially blown from start to finish. Essentially: it works everywhere except IE 8 and down and Android 2.3 and down. I mistakenly assumed that my host had this by default. Thank you Mr. Coyier for filling my brain with some more goodness. Will have other issues (like cache I guess) but seems to work. Print your label at home. All browsers that support SVG background images also support background-size unprefixed. Some suggest to simple use a gigantic SVG so you never upscale, only downscale. Hi, great article indeed, I’m just having only one problem: I have my SVG base64 encoded using Mobilefish.com service, but sometimes I have an error on Chrome that says: ERROR 414 – URI too long. Good tip on the blur in Firefox. Collect. @chriscoyier @hkfoster maybe you could take a shortcut with >>> echo -n `cat logo.svg` | base64 | pbcopy, — Benny Schudel (@bennyschudel) March 2, 2013. (I use inkscape on linux), Very nice post, I have also created a post not long ago about SVGs and animation of them. Recently I used SVG for a logo (as an tag), and with essentially no users of that site on Android 2.3 I only had to worry about oldIE, which meant I was able to use conditional comments and avoid JavaScript altogether. Raphaël currently supports Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Chrome 5.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+. SVG and multiple backgrounds have very similar browser support, so if the browser supports multiple backgrounds, it supports SVG, and the declaration will work (and override any previous declaration). Cannot seem to override this. $(‘img[src$=”.svg”]’).each(function() { You can use SVG on the web pretty easily, but there is plenty you should know. It’s quite cute on FF; There’s so much to do with svg inline and css. I personally haven’t tested this. What if it’s for a large complex site where caching is crucial for performance? Like in http://codepen.io/anon/pen/oFhzA I meant it! I have been searching for the right solution. Much appreciated. I have googled this for a solution until my fingers are bleeding but cannot find one anywhere – is there one? The idea is that the SVG will either override or be ignored depending on support. They are large in memory when compared to SVG images, and also pixelate when we zoom in. CSS-Tricks is created by Chris and a team of swell people. Especially the combination of SVG and CSS opens so many opportunities. I am 100% that in almost every browser (actually on every I tested, and I tested on lot) will load ONLY one image. Even cooler, SVG has all these fancy filters. where = | +, Last modified: Dec 18, 2020, by MDN contributors. Wow I did not realize you could get the straight SVG from illustrator.   background-image: url(kiwi.svg); For what it’s worth, here’s a a demo of a draggable and zoomable SVG: http://www.cyberz.org/projects/SVGPan/tiger.svg, Wa, Nice post, I’v got something from here, with both and background-image […] you don’t get to control the innards of the SVG with CSS, It’s not true. What we saw earlier with the inline CSS representation is a little special. The SVG files are small and are not based on pixels like every other image files. I dont think is what you needed but it might be useful for someone. Is going straight to the TOP resources folder in the bookmarks. Does anyone has an idea why phonegap seems to strip filters from the svg? As a result, I don’t think SVG as a CSS background is a good option at the moment. I used the object route for the .svg – it worked great in some ways… the fall back .png worked.. my .svg tho viewed online as a box in the correct size but it had the .txt file code in it?? Since I made this browser support got better, I’m not sure it is still needed (I have to make some new tests…), The zebra svg color changes with breakpoints, You can also use javascript inside svg and filters are quite well supported in browsers ; ) (sometimes in a better way than illustrator or inkscape), Inkscape is a free and open source software dedicated to svg, very useful …, forgot the link to my demo :( , sorry : and to add a link you can follow this easy example found on fiddle (no js), Sorry, in the closing object there is a mistake… it’s object and no objetct. In fact in the case of SVG, it’s probably better NOT to use base64. I have a gradient background, currently set in “html” along with “min-height:100%”. Nothing to do with your language of choice. Since invalid selectors and properties are ignored, the svg file will only be downloaded in more modern browsers. This was my first idea when I read article. I’ve now been using svgs on my and clients’ sites for several years. Chrome with stuff. SVG is already pretty small, but why not do all we can? If you’d like to use SVG, but also need to support these browsers that don’t support using SVG in this way, you have options. Reading this has brought back bad memories of php… Such an annoying language, the verbose requirements of semi-colons…. I’m using the Raphael library to handle SVG graphics on one of our sites. I am now thinking about the last technique Chris talks about, using base64 in the IMG tag, along with an ‘alt’ tag. This package is for loading SVG's into Nuxt.js pages. http://dbushell.com/demos/svg/scaling-09-03-12/, (bugzilla is under maintenance, but this might be the bug, I can’t check now) svg-grabber is an open source tool created by Jaques Bouman and Juan Rios at NGTI in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 1 2: src: url (GraublauWeb.eot); src: url (GraublauWeb.otf); /* Yeah IE will only try this one. Doesn’t fontface have better support in older versions of IE than SVG? My question in this instance was semantics vs performance. I am going to use this format for a website logo. If .svg will not load (becasue is not supported for example) then nothing will load. I’ve used .svg images very extensively on several sites (Responsively resizing with rem) and they all have the proper aspect ratio in cross-browser testing. Hello! viewBox=”0 0 640 480″ enable-background=”new 0 0 640 480″ xml:space=”preserve”. Thanks for the article! I am however wondering if any one can assist me with an issue I am tackling. After some further unintentional science, I seem to experience occasional problems using .svg as a background image with height and width, which are fixed by deleting height and width within the .svg and only using css to scale the image. Book collection for up to 5 items right from your door with Royal Mail’s new parcel collection service. Inline definitely helps, but there are some real advantages to backround images and it’s interesting that Firefox still has this bug. Example of a drawing app — Raphael SketchPad Downloading free or stock vector art from the web, I often couldn’t get it to display. SVG supports animation, interactivity and effects. http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/styling.html#SVGStylingProperties. Just one quick note: If you have a SVG file, you don’t have to explicetly save it as “code”, an SVG file is per already “written in code”. . Actually have started using SVG just few days back so I am new at it. The 2nd version and the logo both have width and height removed, only veiwBox and “preserveAspectRatio=”xMinYMin meet”. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer does not support raw SVG code in background attribute, so this is the only one reason why to encode SVG code, I think (maybe I am wrong). I have cleaned it manually and it seems, it is OK now: http://www.phoca.cz/cssflags/#australia (make F5 – refresh the site as the wrong SVG can be cached). This is supported by Firefox, Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari. I’m considering just using a FF conditional to serve .png…. seems IE10 uses the exact same image and somehow fouls up, workaround seems an extra parameter for one image. It looks great in Illustrator but looks terrible in a browser: the transparent gradient doesn’t work at all. But your codepen example renders them, but they’re cropped. If you use it on your logo, which is on every page, wouldn’t that make the entire site in-cacheable? Great image choice – a Kiwi isn’t just a fruit! if (!Modernizr.svg) { 1 A Rectangle Image with SVG If a container format lacks a defined fragment identifier scheme, a simple 1-based indexing scheme (e.g., "font-collection#1" for the first font, "font-collection#2" for the second font, etc.) Answer is NO. Also, if using Inkscape there’s some pointers here for how to optimise: http://benfrain.com/tips-for-using-svgs-in-web-projects/, Another cool feature with svg : you can use media-queries inside the