There is no correlation between the onset of menarche and the onset of menopause. Calvin has just turned 90 years old. According to Victor Frankl, which of the following is NOT one of the three most distinct human qualities? C is incorrect - Hot flashes do occur in women with low estrogen levels, but they may also occur in women with high levels of estrogen. a. A. d. all of the above, The generic name for cialis is: Mae is 87 years old. The care of a dying older person has shifted away from the family. c. Initially be given ET or EPT at higher than standard doses Which of the following is the leading cause of death in midlife? decreases slightly. Which of the following statements regarding religious experience is TRUE? e) The teenage birthrate has been rising steadily since 1991, According to the text, what is the most common definition of middle age? c) widowed. Participating in Activities You Enjoy As You Age, Links found between viruses and neurodegenerative diseases. \text { Bales Auto } & \text { October 11 } & 2,400 \\ . She is not sure where she is headed in life, but school does not seem to be a part of it. d) women and men both rely more on a care orientation than on a justice orientation. b. middle-old. The average age at which U.S. women have their last period is 61., North American Menopause Society C. Middle adulthood financial and career changes produce expanded opportunities for leisure. FYI: Vaginal health and sexuality. Change in your period. c. Life skills b) osteoporosis. c) doing the "right thing" in the eyes of others. b. Transdermal preparation are frequently used in women, though dosing is difficult because they are packaged in doses appropriate for men d. oldest-old. Lou, a single 28-year-old male, practices "serial monogamy." In advising a woman about menopause, the NP considers that: A. the average age at last menstrual period for a North American woman is 47 to 48 years. Lago gave a statement to E! \text { Trident Auto } & \text { August 24 } & 1,800 \\ a) While they're in their early teens b) In mid-adolescence c) During young adulthood d) Sometime in middle age e) At the start of old age. a. sildenafil a. Correlations between testosterone levels and sexual dysfunction have been found to be consistent across numerous studies d. Women typically experience the most severe symptoms during perimenopause, b. Assume that all balances in the unadjusted trial balance and the amounts of the adjustments are correct. 'Perimenopause' refers to the period from when these signs are first observed and ends one year after the final menstrual period. Return for follow-up with the clinician within one year after the initial dose B. O d. The fracture rate reduces by half for women who lose 20 percent of their body fat after menopause. C) 60s. a) From age 40 through 60 or 65 b) From age 30 through 50 or 55 c) From age 50 through 65 or 70 d) From age 35 through retirement e) Beginning with the age when one can no longer recognize the names of new musical groups and ending with retirement. a) Conventional b) Preconventional c) Postconventional d) Unconventional e) Formal operational, Suzette drives no faster than the speed limit because it's the law. Which of the following sleep changes are NOT experienced by individuals in middle adulthood? He is beginning to feel a sense of loss and hopelessness. September 30, 2021. c) The optimists tended to live almost 1.5 years longer. 1. Credit card fraud is the most common type of identify theft and is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. How much bone loss does a woman have in the first 5 years of menopause? A) The average age at which women experience menopause is 42. c. androgen B. Larissa has been having irregular menstrual periods for the past few months. \text { Account } & {\text { Due Date }} & \text { Amount } \\ Name two explanations for individuals that live to be 100 years old. The site is secure. e) Neither boys nor girls benefit from early maturation. These cycles occur concurrently and are coordinated over a 22-32 day cycle, with an average length of 28 days. This is called encryption; a closed padlock image will often appear on a website that uses encryption, or a pop-up window will indicate added security features. _____ theory states that cells can divide a maximum of about 75 to 80 times, and that as we age our cells become less capable of dividing. b. D). a. sperm production begins before puberty and decreases with age A. Regarding menopause, which of the following statements is TRUE? 50 % \quad \text{year beginning June 1} & \$475,000 & \$600,000\\ d. chest pain, Which of the following can lead to ED? d) Indians and Americans both placed less emphasis on justice and more emphasis on interpersonal responsibilities. While there are many factors that determine the impact of alcohol in the body, alcohol content is not one. c. cardio The side effects of menopause are relatively consistent for all women. d. the testes are responsible for the production of testosterone, Which of the following statements is not true of HRT in postmenopausal women? a) The odds are 1 in 10. b) The odds are 2 in 10. c) The odds are 4 in 10. d) The odds are 6 in 10. e) The odds are 8 in 10. c. Loss of estrogen results in diminished sex drive. Despite the presence of many voices around him, Zack focuses on what Ben is saying. d) Due to increases in the production of estrogen, women in late adulthood may experience increased vaginal lubrication. b. it is reponsible for a boy's voice changing a) Both types of intelligence generally increase throughout the adult lifespan. Why or why not? d) interviews with people who work with the terminally illhospice workers, nurses, doctors, and chaplains. d) bereavement. c) doing weight-bearing exercise. B. Fluid intelligence $17.71155 (nearest cent). Explore more: Sexual reproduction e) ageism. Bladder control. Which of the following statements regarding menopause is TRUE? Mood changes. Which of the following is true when it comes to divorce? Some may be part of aging rather than directly related to menopause. Since Michelle left home for college two years ago, Victor has struggled with a lot of negative emotions. C. Hot flashes during menopause result from low levels of estrogen. Regarding social attitudes about single people in society today, which of the following is true? Solve any question of Human Reproduction with:-. Question 32 2 / 2 points Which of the following is NOT a macronutrient? She's excited to be starting a new phase of her life as her children leave home and she has more spare time for her other interests. Your periods may no longer be regular. b) bereavement. Both are progressive in nature. C. more; less C. The majority of women experience serious psychological problems related to menopause. Millions have discovered the convenience of shopping on the Internet. b. When Dylan asked Meredith why she did not give anonymously, she answered, "Because I gave away the money to show people that I'm not selfish." d. serious cardiovascular events, Therapeutic Agents for the Gastrointestinal S, Chapter 28, Complementary and Alternative Med, Chapter 27, Over-The-Counter Medications: Ter, Chapter 26, The Hemotological System: Terms a, Chapter 25, The Dermatological System: Terms. c) Single people are viewed as more stable than married people. When it comes to preserving higher mental functions in old age, which of the following is true? In your maternity class and on the NCLEX exam you will need to know about the woman's menstrual cycle. e) raising children has become much more difficult than it used to be, and parents are relieved when children finally leave. Sleep history The success rate for the drug Viagra is between _________. c) dysthymic depression. Hot flashes can last well beyond the first 5 - 7 years following menopause We can therefore conclude that he a) is celibate. 2. Proper Diet b. respiratory e) married with children. b) fluid intelligence. Other factors being equal, which of the following persons has the LOWEST life expectancy: a) Abbie, a White American woman b) Babette, an African American woman c) Cap, a White American man d) Demeter, an African American man e) The two males, Demeter and Cap, share the same life expectancy, and it is lower than that of either female. Regular exercise in late adulthood is associated with all of the following benefits EXCEPT a) increasing life expectancy. d) After a three-decade decline, divorce rates escalated sharply in the 1990s. __________ is the term used to describe the midlife transition in which fertility declines. 60.-kg person if the dose is 2.5 mcg/kg? d) cutting down on alcohol and giving up smoking. What was the finding? Their conversion price is $20\$20$20. c) isolation. a) The majority of people do not become sexually active until they are married. B. values b. vardenafil According to the cdc, what is the obesity rate of individuals without a high school degree versus college graduates? _____ is a program committed to making the end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible. Interest in sex usually declines during and after menopause. d) Levinson. The amount of liquid in the glass is not a clear indication of how much alcohol you are drinking. 1. Women often report having more energy after menopause. c. viagra may not work Marietta reflects which stage of death and dying? c) Engaging in mentally stimulating activities can reduce the risks of developing Alzheimer's. Department of Health and Human Services An influential theory of death and dying was developed by a) Erikson. \text{Actual factory overhead costs for June} & \$38,000 & \$52,000\\ Which of the following statements is true about the effects of divorce on children? A is incorrect - neither anxiety nor depression are necessary components of menopause. Answer only. Good social relationships & support \text { Derby Auto Repair } & \text { June 23 } & 3,900 \\ Language comprehension c) take antidepressant medication. b. contraceptive gels d) Does a druggist have the right to charge exorbitant prices for drugs that can save lives? According to Erikson, psychosocial development in late adulthood centers on the crisis of a) identity versus role diffusion. b) "Heinz should steal the drug because the value of life supersedes that of property." a) The age of possibilities b) The self-focused age c) The age of instability d) The age of feeling in-between e) The age of identity exploration. Depression $3,600 of insurance expired during the year. Here is an explanation of each statement and whether it is true or false: Explanation. An automobile travels on a straight road for 40 km at 30 km/h. d) ego integrity versus despair. A strong password consists of uncommon names and number combinations. D) Expertise. C. elevated cholesterol Dr. Lisa Mosconi's TED Talk. Menstruation is considered by two terms; its start is known as Menarche and its cessation is termed as menopause. Kohlberg's theory of moral development has _______ levels, and they are called ________. A) 40s. Oral micronized progesterone is not recommended for use with estrogen because it has an unfavorable effect on lipid profile, Women who have had a hysterectomy should take systemic progesterone with estrogen to decrease the risk of endometrial cancer a. Which of the following refers to the ability of the eye to maintain an image on the retina? a) Do everything possible to help Pablo avoid the acceptance stage, because this stage represents giving up hope. Avoiding tobacco and moderating alcohol intake Although a therapeutic dose has been calculated as c) Between ages twenty and seventy, people are likely to lose as much as 5 percent of their muscle cells. C. a sense of efficacy e) conducting extensive interviews with women. A self of self-efficacy. d) city dwellers. During perimenopause, the body's production of estrogen and progesterone, two hormones made by the ovaries, varies greatly. e) Children of divorced parents fare better if the noncustodial parent ceases to play a role in their lives. The main reason why women are less susceptible than men to heart disease is that they a) are protected by estrogen. b. The tendency for people to marry others who are similar to themselves is called a) hegogamy. C. Leisure Which of the following is a measure of crystallized intelligence? c) are less likely to be overweight. He is a rather sad because he regrets the wasted opportunities in life and feels he has made a lot of mistakes. a. contraception A physical pendulum in the form of a planar object moves in simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 0.450 Hz. B) 50s. ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. The Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. c. tadalafil Carol Gilligan suggests that when making moral decisions, a) women rely more on a care orientation and men rely more on a justice orientation. c. call her on the phone. e) the elderly. b) Although some cognitive abilities can be maintained, memory ability is not one of them. c. Menopause tends to occur later among women who smoke or who have not given birth. Hot flashes can be very mild or strong enough to wake you up (called night sweats). e) role suffusion. A flat EEG recording for a specified period of time is one criterion of _____. B. globalization They can happen several times an hour, a few times a day, or just once or twice a week. Which of the following statements is not true concerning menopause? d) Women's household income tends to increase, whereas men's household income tends to decrease. She is having trouble with concentrating. Non-hormonal pharmacological options for managing menopausal symptoms include all of the following but: Among the midlife health issues of women, the number one cause of mortality in the US is: What factors have been associated with affecting the age at menopause? This might be what you notice first. There are significant increases in spirituality and religion during middle age. a) Conventional b) Preconventional c) Postconventional d) Unconventional e) Preoperational, Eddie sees the two boys sitting in front of him in geometry class cheating on the final exam by sharing their results. D. self-worth, Estimatedfactoryoverheadcostforfiscal, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Project Management: The Managerial Process, Adults 1 Exam 3 - Class Practice Questions. d) late thirties. c. gender (A) Germ cells are involved (B) There is a fusion of gametes (C) This process takes a longer time (D) All of these The Correct Answer is (D) All of these. Epibatidine is one of the alkaloids that the Ecuadorian poison a) ego identity vs. despair; intimacy vs. isolation b) intimacy vs. isolation; generativity vs. stagnation c) generativity vs. stagnation; intimacy vs. isolation d) ego integrity vs. despair; identity vs. role diffusion e) generativity vs. stagnation; identity vs. role diffusion. D. Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman, __________ involves having an extensive, highly organized knowledge and understanding of a particular domain. He is still experiencing enduring despair a year after her death. a) Elisabeth Kbler-Ross b) Marguerite Harlow c) Tiffany Field d) Mary Ainsworth e) Carol Gilligan. e) The optimists tended to live more than 7.5 years longer. Paula has recently dropped out of high school. There are treatments available to help. Women most frequently report CNS symptoms a) Normal adolescent development includes serious conflict with parents. B) spirituality A. purpose Find information on managing hot flashes in Hot Flashes: What Can I Do? According to Erik Erikson, he himself underwent an identity crisis when he a) found out that his father was really his stepfather. b. menstrual abnormalities b) Adolescents who fail to develop a clear ego identity are the most vulnerable to negative peer influences. Name two macroeconomic variables that decline when the economy goes into a recession. She is focused on developing the skills, knowledge, and self-understanding to prepare for the responsibilities of adult life. a. brain weight decreases; brain volume does not decrease. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the death scenario in the U.S. today? From Erikson's perspective, this reflects a sense of a) despair. D) All of these statements are true. Read about options for addressing vaginal pain during sex in Sex and Menopause: Treatment for Symptoms. c. ED d. With menopause, the ovaries no longer produce ripened egg cells. Learn how to improve your sleep during the menopausal transition and beyond in Sleep Problems and Menopause: What Can I Do? d) depression. a. HRT is very safe and effective d. alprostadil, The ED medication available as an intracavernous injection and a urethral suppositiory is: More than 80 percent of all deaths occur in institutions or hospitals. e) "Heinz should steal the drug because if he doesn't his wife will die, and people will blame him for not even trying to save her.". Number of daily vasomotor hot flashes B) Adult siblings who are close tended to be close in childhood. C) Middle adulthood physical and career changes produce expanded opportunities for leisure. In the years before and during menopause, the levels of female hormones can go up and down. a) Single people are regarded as less selfish than married people. b) case studies of the journals of terminally ill people. He decides to tell the teacher because he thinks that getting on the teacher's good side might mean a better grade for him. d. none of the above, Which of the following statements is not true regarding the application of the contraceptive patch Ortha Evra? d) The optimists tended to live 4 years longer. c. Yohimbine, an extract from the bark of an African tree Heavy sweating and cold shivering can follow. Here are the most common changes you might notice at midlife. \text { Reliable Auto Repair } & \text { July 15 } & 9,750 \\ e) Young people of today are emerging into adulthood earlier than in years past. e) emotional intelligence. B) K. Warner Schaie The changing nature of middle age can be accounted for by the fact that __________. Compute the required rate of return (Ke)\left(K_e\right)(Ke). It is expected that Does the level of the exchange rate matter in the long run? Most hot flashes last between 30 seconds and 10 minutes. decreases sharply. One study (Levy et al., 2002) compared the lifespans of people with optimistic and pessimistic views about aging. d) Landlords prefer to rent to single people rather than to married people. Alcohol manufacturers often mislead t Lea sobre este tema en espaol. e) Alzheimer's disease never strikes people under the age of sixty-five. Question 1 (1.54 points) Which of the following statements about the onset of menarche and menopause is true? Prejudice against others because of their age, especially prejudice against older adults, is known as _____. a) Mourning b) Adaptation c) Depression d) Moratorium e) Bereavement. a., American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists b) Disagreements between adolescents and their parents tend to be rare. a. d. pick a quiet place to have a conversation. Middle adults need to prepare psychologically for retirement. C. women with surgical menopause usually have milder symptoms. e) Performance on tasks requiring crystallized intelligence tends to decline. b) White females. For other women, the menopausal transition can bring hot flashes, trouble sleeping, pain during sex, moodiness and irritability, depression, or a combination of these symptoms. B. diabetes A). Red blotches may appear on your chest, back, and arms. c) case studies of people with infamous deaths. Seventeen-year-old Hassam has spent a lot of time this past year thinking about his personal values and life goals. d) denial. Why do psychologists believe leisure takes on increased importance in middle adulthood? Bladder infections also can occur in midlife. If Aretha is like the typical older adult, the emotional problem she is most likely to face is a) empty nest syndrome. D. Hot flashes during menopause result from low levels of estrogen. Which of the following statements is true about emerging adulthood? e) Men experience a sharp increase in testosterone production in middle adulthood that allows them to maintain fertility well into later adulthood. Joan's grandparent style would be _____. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Larissa is 52. Which one of the following statements about menopause is FALSE? Under donor's name, Dylan wrote "anonymous," whereas Meredith carefully filled in her full name. B. e) late fifties or early sixties. Which BEST explains why it is important to understand the alcohol content of the different types of alcohol? She is irritable all of the time and is not functioning well at home or work. b) Within Western cultures, ethnic cultural factors have no bearing on the timing of emerging adulthood. These risks depend on the type of hormone therapy, the dose . \hline \text { Avalanche Auto } & \text { August 8 } & \$ 12,000 \\ He has lost much of his reasoning and judgment abilities, and he has great difficulty carrying out purposeful behavior. c) maintaining a healthy body weight. d. none of the above, What is the major drug interaction between phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as sildenafil and nitrates? a) 15 percent b) 25 percent c) 40 percent d) 65 percent e) 75 percent, Patients with Alzheimer's disease show reduced levels of which neurotransmitter in their brains? d) initiative crisis. B) Belonging to a religious group can help some individuals cope more effectively. e) ego despair. What are the chances that they'll eventually get married? The severity of symptoms varies greatly around the world and by race and ethnicity. c. both brain weight and brain volume decrease. Your skin could become thinner. c. C-IV The ability to think abstractly and flexibly in solving problems is referred to as a) verbal intelligence. c) About one-third of teenage pregnancies are unplanned. Which of the following statements about menopause is NOT true? The age at which menopause occurs has increased dramatically in recent years. c. testosterones increases muscle development d) After early adulthood, crystallized intelligence generally decreases, while fluid intelligence stays about the same or increases. Perhaps he should go back and offer to pay the druggist back with free labor." A hot flash is a sudden feeling of heat in the upper part or all of your body. Determine the number of days each account is past due as of October 31. Elderly men are generally unable to father children - Which of the following statements is true? D) A self-directing coping style is linked more closely to improved psychological adjustment than turning to religious groups. The years leading up to that point, when women may have changes in their monthly cycles, hot flashes, or other symptoms, are called the menopausal transition or perimenopause. morphine. b. one patch is used for a period of 3 weeks However, there are risks associated with using hormone therapy.

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which of the following statements about menopause is true?

which of the following statements about menopause is true?

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